Saturday, July 25, 2009

Iphone suicide case

Before Sunday Danyong this week, Foxconn Chinese suspect the employee, the Prototype of the Apple iPhone will be sent to suicide. , Is beginning to appear in a new page in the history of New York.

United States newspapers, newspaper cites a report from South China, and monitor personal safety walk Foxconn Sunday "is not evidence for interventions, and conclusions." This is an AP story of conflict and Sunday, said a friend of protection seen it, was arrested for abuse.

AP also said that police searching the apartment Sol history. Documents referred to in the Southern District Qinming safety officials, the magazine said the proposed research. If there is suspicion of abuse in the district is supposed to on Sunday, "a lack of telephone, and asked the Cardinal District:" To the colleagues Nedivim, Domingo arms, or only men blow that assertion? "

Indeed, District 5 Monday protect potential (Foxconn, a problem not only gives the police). Newyorcane, "personal information about an address and name of China's major districts, distributed with each other and that the South can not go home, he said." (Thanks, Chip Crunch gear to please.)

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